Industry Insights

Dec 27, 2024

Training Financial Employees to Detect and Respond to Deepfakes

Person walking forward

As the capabilities of generative AI soar, complex AI-driven fraud attacks on the financial sector have become a serious challenge for the industry. Over forty-two percent of detected fraud attempts now utilize AI, and as the number grows, experts estimate that deepfakes will cause $40 billion in fraud losses by 2027

Training employees to detect and respond to AI-powered threats is no longer optional; it is a critical component of modern financial security. Financial institutions must adopt comprehensive strategies for equipping their workforce with advanced deepfake detection capabilities to protect against the rising tide of AI-enabled fraud.

The Growing Threat Landscape

Financial institutions are prime targets for deepfake-enabled fraud, with attempted attacks increasing at rates that have alarmed government monitoring agencies. Researchers have found that in practice, 92% of organizations have already experienced financial losses due to deepfakes.

The current threat landscape is diverse and evolving. Organizations frequently encounter video conference impersonations of executives requesting fund transfers, which can be particularly convincing during remote work scenarios. Synthetic voice calls mimicking known clients have become increasingly sophisticated, often fooling even experienced financial professionals. The rise of AI-generated identity documents for fraudulent account creation has added another layer of complexity to verification processes. Perhaps most concerning is the emergence of manipulated video content designed specifically for social engineering attacks, which can bypass traditional security measures.

Essential Training Components

It’s worth noting that before rolling out comprehensive training company-wide, organizations should first implement robust deepfake detection tools as a foundation. Reality Defender offers award-winning detection solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing workflows native to the financial sector that help detect synthetic content in real time and at scale. With the ability to verify video and audio authenticity in real time and at scale, Reality Defender empowers financial institutions to stay ahead of fraud attempts while supporting detailed audit trails and rapid response protocols.

After implementing deepfake detection for your team(s), it is time to implement a strong training curriculum that should address three fundamental areas:

  • The first is technical recognition skills, where employees learn to identify synthetic content artifacts. This includes recognizing unnatural eye movements, lighting inconsistencies in videos, and unusual background noise or voice irregularities in audio. Document forgery detection techniques also play a critical role. However, since manual detection can be nearly impossible, Reality Defender’s AI-powered platform ensures employees have a reliable method to confirm content authenticity, allowing them to focus on decision-making rather than technical guesswork.

  • Verification protocols form the second core area, encompassing multi-factor authentication procedures and out-of-band verification methods. Reality Defender aligns with these protocols, providing a seamless way for employees to escalate and verify suspicious content while ensuring proper documentation and accuracy.

  • The third component focuses on response procedures, including immediate actions upon detecting a deepfake, reporting channels, and clear customer communication guidelines. By integrating detection technology into these processes, employees can act swiftly and with confidence.

Practical Implementation Strategies

A phased approach is essential when implementing deepfake detection training. Starting with pilot groups in high-risk departments allows organizations to refine the curriculum based on real-world feedback. A blended learning model — combining interactive online modules, live demonstrations, and hands-on detection exercises — has proven most effective.

Reality Defender’s platform supports these strategies by enabling continuous assessment through simulations and knowledge checks. Built-in analytics ensure organizations can measure progress and refine training where needed, maintaining high detection and response standards across the workforce.

Measuring Training Success

Success metrics for deepfake training programs should focus on operational and financial outcomes. Improvements in detection rates, faster response times, and reduced false positives are essential indicators of effectiveness. Additionally, organizations should measure the reduction in successful fraud attempts, the time saved during verification processes, and the overall impact on customer trust and satisfaction. (It is worth noting that Reality Defender’s ability to generate detailed reports and provide insights into attempted fraud incidents ensures organizations can track these metrics accurately.)

Best Practices for Sustainable Implementation

To keep pace with evolving threats, training programs must be continually updated. Quarterly reviews should incorporate new detection techniques, emerging fraud patterns, and lessons from real-world cases. Cross-departmental collaboration between Information Security, Compliance, Customer Service, and Risk Management ensures consistent application of protocols across the organization.

Employee engagement is critical for long-term success. Organizations can maintain awareness through regular updates, peer learning opportunities, and recognition programs for successful detections. Reality Defender’s tools and support services complement these efforts, ensuring employees have access to the most up-to-date resources and technology from top experts in the deepfake detection field.

Building a Robust Defense

As the sophistication of deepfake attacks continues to grow, financial institutions need both comprehensive training and advanced solutions. Reality Defender’s real-time deepfake detection provides the foundation for these efforts, ensuring the authenticity of critical communications and helping employees navigate today’s complex threat landscape.

To explore how Reality Defender’s cutting-edge detection solutions can empower your workforce, secure your communications, and safeguard your organization from AI-driven fraud, contact our team today.

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